Nočné kino na Birell BikeFeste!
Tešiť sa môžete na premietaciu zónu pri registrácii, v ktorej vás čaká sledovanie bikových a adrenalínových videí. A možno bude aj Hriešny tanec!
Od 21.00 hod.Premietanie videí od Bikes on Film
Od 21.00 hod.Premietanie videí od BIKE O'Clock, Red bull Slovensko & Horsefeathers Bike
There will be a BikeFest Cinema!
You can look forward to a night screening zone at registration, where you can watch biking and adrenaline videos. And there might even be a Dirty Dancing!Friday
From 9.00 pm.Screening of videos from Bikes on Film
From 9.00 pm.Screening of videos from BIKE O'Clock, Red Bull Slovakia & Horsefeathers Bike